tirsdag 26. mai 2009

Hello first-graders!

I am now about to graduate from Sandvika VGS and I must say I have had 3 very good years. You guys should be happy that you will be attending this school for several reasons. What I like best with this school are the teachers and the people, there are so many interesting and nice people. The first 2-3 weeks are a little special because everything is so new and different, and you may feel lonely and stuff, but don’t worry; you will find friends in no time. The one thing that you will find really different from other schools is the freedom that you have. You are very independent during the classes, and most of the work is being done on your own computer. In other words: feel free to use facebook, msn and play games, but you SHOULD pay attention if the teacher is talking. I remember playing games all the time in the beginning, and my grades turned out to be pretty bad. I decided to study abroad for a year, and therefore I was a student at Mankato High School instead of Sandvika last year. If you read this letter you HAVE TO grab that opportunity. Without a doubt the most fun year of my life, you learn so much. Anyways, I enjoyed my 3rd year more than my 1st year at this school. The main reason is that you can choose your own classes and you don’t need Spanish, German and French, which is awesome. Another cool thing about the 3rd year is of course the fact that we are “RUSS”. You should also try not to eat at McDonalds every single day.

You should be very happy that you are a part of Sandvika VGS, it’s a great school with a good environment and the teachers and students get along very well. Enjoy your time here, I sure did!