tirsdag 21. april 2009

The Nothing-to-do Generation

I did know that the teen-situation in England has been a problem for a long time, what I didn’t know, is how bad it really is. I’ve been to England about 5 times. Such places as Manchester, Birmingham and of course; London. I did recognize the youth and how they behaved, but reading this article grosses me out. I get a feeling that the teenagers in England doesn’t care about their families, and think they are cool when they do drugs and stuff. This may be how it is in other countries as well, but if we take a look at the statistics we observe some pretty scary numbers. It says that 38% of British 15-year-olds had tried cannabis. 15 years of age, that’s a shame. Norwegians have a different relationship to these kinds of drugs, illegal drugs.
I believe we need to look at the reasons for why the British teenagers are so brutal. Not only are they doing drugs, but their behavior is unacceptable and rude. Elderly people are frightened just by taking a walk. A lot of British youngsters live with their mothers, and it is hard for them to focus on the children’s school activity and spare time, especially if the mom has more than one son or daughter. Since they are not involved in any after-school activities they simply “got nothing to do”, and this is where it all begins. They can’t come up with anything to do, and therefore they start being sketchy as the time goes on.
Without knowing for sure I would guess that the government is probably spending a lot of money trying to fix this. It IS a huge problem that affects the future generation as much as the youth today, and I think everybody agrees with me when I say: Teenagers in England need to change. We can only hope that they fix the situation themselves and start being more responsible.

mandag 13. april 2009


I am finally done with my senior project! I worked with it for 3 hours last night, and at least 8 hours today, no joke! I am soooo tired now, so I'm going to bed, I am pretty satisfied by the way it turned out, and i am SO glad im done!

Easter and Homework


The 10 day long vacation has been wonderful. I have been skiing almost every day, and I have been to some nice sunny places in Norway, like Lillehammer and Lom. I have also worked quite a bit on my “russebuss” because it’s far from done yet, and the time is running away from us.

Yesterday I did some thinking about what I was going to write about for my senior project (yes I know I am late) and I came up with a couple of interesting topics. At first I wanted to write about King Henry VIII, but I found out he wasn’t as interesting to write about as Martin Luther King, Jr. So, I will write a text about the famous civil rights fighter. I think there is a lot to write about, and he has done some important things for the black race in the US.