tirsdag 24. mars 2009

Northern Ireland

Cecilie had a presentation for us today. She talked about Northern Ireland, and a little bit of the conflict that's going on over there. She started off with giving us a brief explanation of how the conflict started and what the big discussion is. As far as I remember she said something like this:

The conflict in Northern Ireland involves the IRA(Irish Republican Army) and the British. It started in 1923, when the British invaded Northern Ireland because they meant that Ireland should be a part of Great Britain. The IRA’s original goal when this happened was to get all of the British establishments out of Ireland and get up an independent Irish government.  This conflict is still very much alive, and it affects the Irish government in a pretty serious way. 


She also told us about Northern Ireland in general, I personally think it sounded like a pretty interesting country.  The country is a part of the UK and is located in the north east. They have a devolved government within the UK. What that means is that

the statutory granting of powers from the central government of a state to government at a sub national level, such as a regional, local, or state level. It differs from federalism in that the powers devolved may be temporary and ultimately reside in central government

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